Friday, December 23, 2011

No photos!

Figured I would put up a quick update of us!  No photos becuase truthfully I have no idea where my camera is right now!  <<<YIKES?!?!>>> 

Dusty:  As always he is working smart.  He is running our pest control technician routes and really liking it.  He loves not working for anyone and having a lot of flexibility in his schedule.  He pretty much works about 3-4 days per week for Green Guard but spends the rest of the days working on his numerous website projects.  He is so talented and his ideas are pretty fantastic and definitely original.  He is still doing great at staying in shape and it is so hard for me to know what size he is in now since it is a lot smaller than when we got married!  I have to keep asking him what his jean size is now!  At first I was upset that he was losing weight while I was gaining for pregnancy but now I love that it will give me a challenge after our little girl gets here! 
Belle: Can I just say that I have never come into contact with a sweeter more snuggly 105 pound dog?  I love her and her need for attention drives me up a wall sometimes...
Baby Girl:  She should be well on her way...I am contracting every night and every morning...Her movements have decreased due to her filling up my abdomen and not having anywhere else to grow to!  We do have a name picked out...In fact is has been chosen since the day we found out she is a she!  We have been keeping it as a secret just because secrets are fun!  =)  Today I have a doctors appointment and we have exactly 2 weeks until her expected arrival! 
Me:  I would definitely not complain if Little Miss decided to grace us with her presence sooner...I am kind of done with pregnancy at this point.  Swelling has set in and I believe it is the worst part of pregnancy.  I drink tons of water and don't salt anything...but I guess it is inevitable with some pregnancies/women.  I still have lots of energy to get things done, cookies baked, presents wrapped and work completed but I am definitely exhausted at the end of the day.  Went back to my blond color a couple days ago and couldn't be happier!  Finished school with great grades and am starting 2 online classes in January to keep on plugging along! 
Well thats all for today! 
Hope everyone has the best Christmas ever and that it is filled with lots of love. 


  1. not going to lie...when I saw that you had updated your blog I was sure it was to announce Baby Girl was here. maybe next week. good luck!

  2. We missed you for the second Christmas in a row, but love that you are happy and healthy and building your own little family with new traditions! There is nothing more exciting than that!!! We have been watching the count-down on your parent's shelf and can't wait to see pictures of our Little Miss and your sweet little family with three members. Dusty will be awesome in the delivery room, I just know it!!!! And he will be the first to shed tears, guaranteed! Love you sooo much!
