Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes...

Baby in a baby carriage...
This cutesy little nursery rhyme is our story.  

April 2009- we start to fall in love.  he lives in seattle, i live in ohio.  we spend about 6 hours a night on the phone cultivating a long distance relationship.  he moves to ohio.
April 2010- we are married in the columbus ohio temple.
April 2011- we find out we are expecting our first baby!  

so, like clockwork, we are checking things off the list one by one, one year after another!

Our due date is January 14, 2012.  It was a huge surprise!  I had been sick for about 2 weeks and kept telling Dust, I think I might be pregnant...he kept saying no no no that is impossible...Finally one day he and his brother go to get Chinese food (which I typically love) and just the thought of it made me vomit.  I went and got 2 pregnancy tests.  Bing bang boom...2 tests with double lines!  Dust got home and I showed him the test and his first response was "this is awesome!".  
We had our first appointment last week and got to see our little swimmer!  

Love my doctor and am going to love not being nauseous anymore!  Hopefully that disappears next week when I move into our 2nd trimester!  
We feel very fortunate and know that this, like pretty much everything else in our lives, is what Heavenly Father wants for us.  It wouldn't have happened if that wasn't the case.  He is always looking out for us and helping us progress.  
Any guesses as to what the gender is?


  1. Yay yay yay!!!!! So happy for you :) And so happy we'll have munchkins so close in age. They will have to be college roomates! :) -If it's a girl... boy, we'll have to rethink the roomate part!- I hope you feel better SOON!

  2. Has your sickness subsided? We hope so! And our official guess is a girl. What do you think as of this moment, girl or boy?

  3. I'm definitely not as sick as I was however every night I get nauseous! When will it stop? haha Well Aunt Laurie, at first I thought a girl...but then seeing the ultrasounds and seeing how active this little baby is makes me feel more like it is a boy. Everyone thinks its a I think I do too. I truly haven't had any feelings one way or the other! All I know is I feel like it is going to be born early. I don't know why, but I feel like early January....
